In this page, you will find my blog posts, I write to share my knowledge and my experiences. Skim them and you will find what you are looking for.
In the coding part of this blog you will learn how are created websites and web applications
Do you have an artistic vein? browse through the tutorials in the graphics section, surely you will find ideas for your creativity
Lots of tutorials and tips on how to use softwares and the latest news in the field of technology
How to Include more and special text in your html file
This is what to need do to be protected with no-frills
Do you think you are safe? Discover the power of relocation
Download OpenOffice, the free open source suit and use its softwares to write document, calculate spreadsheeet, create presentation and much more.
UX Design: How To Satisfy your user using colors, shapes, and science.
Beginner guide of the use of rectangular and elliptical marquee tools in photoshop cs6 and cc
Detailed explanation of how to use the navigator panel
How to choose the right tag when we want to create a text
How to use paragraphs and headings, the correct use of tags to code an accessible semantic
How to free surf anonymously and hide your ID using Tor browser