In this page, you will find my blog posts, I write to share my knowledge and my experiences. Skim them and you will find what you are looking for.
In the coding part of this blog you will learn how are created websites and web applications
Do you have an artistic vein? browse through the tutorials in the graphics section, surely you will find ideas for your creativity
Lots of tutorials and tips on how to use softwares and the latest news in the field of technology
Check out all the new features of PHP 7.3 in small pieces that are easy to digest
Avoid errors by taking a look at the news in PHP 7.3
Discover the new features available and be ready for when PHP 7.3 will knock on your door
Everything you need to know about Object Oriented programming
Christmas time is almost here, get ready to welcome the new gifts that PHP7.3 has in store for you.
Create a base for subclasses using the abstract keyword and learn the secret of Object-oriented
This is the most complete guide on Magic Methods in PHP. The best part? You can implement them RIGHT NOW.
Protect your data by leveraging the OOP concept of visibility
Discover the secrets of polymorphism, one pillar of Object-Oriented Programming
Learn how to use create relationship in Object-Oriented Programming