Hyperlinks tags

Coding (Html5)

How did the WWW become so popular using hyperlinks


One of the features that made the fortune of the web is that, it is being formed not by words, but by hypertexts (another of the features that have made the Web is undoubtedly the ability to interact, but that's another story).



The links are "the bridge" that allows you to switch between text.



As such, the links are formed by two components:




The content The Resource
It is the visible part of the link, and that is why the user should always be able to understand what links to click within the page This is another page (on the same server or on a different server), or it is an internal connection to a location on the page itself
"Hides" the connection (whether it's text or image) It indicates the direction which you are linking



Links pointing to other documents



Here is the syntax to create a link with reference to a web site:



The content developers are on



Click here!  






As you can guess the head of our anchor is the '"Click here!" text, while the tail, that is the destination (specified by the href attribute) is the website to which the link points,






It is immaterial whether the anchor target is an web page of a site, an image, a PDF file, a zip file, or an .exe file: the link mechanism works the same regardless of the type of resource;



Then the browser will behave differently depending on the resource.






You can, for example, specify an email address as a link. In this case it can open the user's mail client with the email address pre-set.



The syntax is as follows:



Send email an email!









The Ancor



We can take advantage of the link mechanism also to create an internal index to the document, using anchors. Each anchor may have indeed an id:









Go to the Paragraph One




This is the Paragraph One







As we just see in the above example it is possible to refer the anchor inside the document via a link that points to it






The hash indicates that the link should look for an anchor within the page itself.



If it does not specify the name of the anchor to aim at, it still creates a link pointing to top of the document (it is searched an anchor whose name is not specified).






This fact is a great ploy to create empty links (in some cases are helpful).



empty link






To create an internal index to the page thus proceeds in two distinct phases:



  2. Creating anchor to aim (


  4. Creation of the anchor connection you just created and reference through the hash ()




Before the arrival of HTML5 instead of the id was possible to add the attribute 'name', even though this practice is not deprecated yet, it is better to indicate the anchor via id because the document with a text/html MIME type parse the id before the name.









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